Plants, Herbal

374 Pins
Kohoutek luční - Lychnis flos-cuculi SAZENICE VYPRODÁNO
Kohoutek luční - Lychnis flos-cuculi :: LEVNE ROSTLINY . CZ
Bishop's Hat 'Niveum' 'Snowy barrenwort 'Niveum''
Epimedium youngianum Niveum Sockblomma. Bishops Hat Marktäckare. Förökas via delning
Modern & Contemporary Garden Designer | Andy Sturgeon Garden Design
Andy Sturgeon - awarded Gold at the Chelsea Flower Show 2010 I was so inspired by this Garden. Just wanted to fly back to Oz & make one!
iReceptář | Nejvoňavější dvouletkou je chejr: Zasejte si potěšení na jaro
chejr vonný (Cheiranthus cheiri)
Phlox subulata 'Purple Beauty' - plamenka šídlovitá | trvalky na alpinu | Alpinum | Průhonický park | Fotogalerie
Phlox subulata 'Purple Beauty' - plamenka šídlovitá
Rozrazil klasnatý - Pseudolysimachion spicatum SAZENICE
Rozrazil klasnatý - Pseudolysimachion spicatum
24 Perennial Planting Combinations That Look Stunning Together
Beat the Heat If you live in a hot, dry climate, choose perennials that thrive in those conditions. Here, Heliopsis and coreopsis have roots in the American prairie, so you know these flowering beauties will keep on blooming even though temperatures and rainfall fluctuate. There's no need to coddle either one.
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