
240 Pins
Slabikář / Spelling Book
Slabikář / Spelling Book | Illustrated by Václav Junek. Prague 1966, 5th edition (1st edition 1958).
Percentages made easy - fast shortcut trick!
Percentage Trick - Solve precentages mentally - percentages made easy with the cool math trick! - YouTube #mathtricks
Printable Fall Quiet Book - Activity Book for Pre-K and K
This printable fall quiet book is perfect for preschool and kids in kindergarten as it focuses on all the important basic skills - master the alphabet, colors, numbers, counting, telling time to the hour and shapes.
Out of this World Solar System - Project
Blake would love to do this! Experience real science with a hands-on project you can do at home! It may be a little early to begin thinking about science projects, but it never hurts to brainstorm a few ideas. With the kids back in school before you know it, it will be time to learn about the solar system. Here is a project you can help your kids create. It is educational and fun at the same time.
111 napínavých experimentů pro děti
111 napínavých experimentů pro děti. Dětské aktivity. Výborná kniha plná obrázků. Naučí děti fyzikální zákony, děti pak lépe pochopí hodiny fyziky a chemie. Pokusy pro děti.
30 nouvelles idées créatives avec des rouleaux de papier toilettes - Page 3 sur 4
Actividad realizada con folios de colores enrollados para la realización de un gusano.
DIYS INCRÍVEIS USANDO PAPELÃO 🏠✏️ Organizadores : Lápis, Canetas, Cadernos e Livros
Faça você mesmo um porta lápis gigante usando papelão e gastando pouco, canetinhas, canetas, organizador, DIY, Do it yourself, Dany Martines
19 Kitchen Science Experiments You Can Eat
19 Kitchen Science Experiments You Can Eat | In #China? Try for award winning #kid's #science |