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Creating 3D rose petals and flower stamens using needle weaving. Wild Rose Embroidery Design
In this tutorial, I will show you a unique needle weaving technique that I have developed. With this technique, you can create three-dimensional rose designs for your embroidery projects.
How to Create 3D Roses for Embroidery Using the Standalone Woven Picot Stitch Technique
The traditional woven picot stitch technique creates beautiful 3D flowers, but it can be challenging to weave closely spaced petals using a needle in a small area. To simplify the process, I've developed a method called "Standalone Picot." With this technique, I create my woven petals on a fabric that is stretched on a separate embroidery hoop, rather than directly on the final fabric where my design will be.
This may contain: someone is knitting something with pink yarn and green leaves on the side of their hand
Amazing 3D Embroidery Rose with Needle Weaving Bar Stitch! Easy and Beautiful!
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