
129 Pins
Organizando objetos com reutilização de embalagens plásticas - Vila do Artesão
Vila do Artesão - Faça um prático organizador de fitas com reuso de garrafas pet. Bem bolado. #artesanato #reuso #reciclagem #garrafapet #organizador #atelier #ideiascriativas
11 Fantastic Crafts for Bottles to Do with Kiddos - No More Still
Crafts for bottles are fashionable projects with recycled products. Let's turn those invaluable containers right into some appealing as well as valuable things! #craftsshampoobottles
pintereste artesanato variado
pintereste artesanato variado ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Pinterest DIY Home Projects To Try - Issue 1024
Pinterest DIY Home Projects To Try - Issue ST1122019 Best DIY Home Projects on Pinterest Today • If you love looking at the best DIY ideas on Pinterest, you’re going to love the new DIY home projects we’ve pinned recently - baby Closet Ideas and Images • Baby Closet Organization DIY Ideas
3 Organizing Hacks Using Recycled Materials - CATHIE FILIAN's Handmade Happy Hour
DIY Makeup Organizer. Made from recycled paper towel tubes. Perfect for makeup brushes and lipstick. Video How To.
30 ideias práticas para otimizar e organizar a cozinha
Para desamotoar o armário das vasilhas a dica é guarda-lás encaixadas, sem tampa, por tamanhos e for... - All Rights Reserved / Facebook / Twitter
Ingenious DIY PVC Hacks That’ll Make Your Life Simpler
PVC Tool Pockets - Holster your screwdrivers, chisels, files and other hand tools in 3-in.-long pieces of 1/2- and 3/4-in. PVC pipe. Cut away the upper open section with a hacksaw or band saw, drill a hole, screw the piece on a board, and drop in the tools. If you're using a band saw, slice off the cutaway section from a long length before cutting off the 3-in. holster.
Ingenious DIY PVC Hacks That’ll Make Your Life Simpler
PVC plastic pipe is readily available, reasonably priced and ridiculously versatile. These ingenious hacks utilize this useful, DIY-friendly material.