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Carlos Miguelez on Instagram: “For the ones who ask for the recipe ;) @nrmpaint @warhammer_kingdom #paintingwarhammer #gwpamplona #gamesworkshop #leather #paintingtips…”
TUTORIAL: Darkoath Godsworn Hunt
Mengel Miniatures: TUTORIAL: Darkoath Godsworn Hunt
Paint it Black! Part 1: matt armor. Paints used: Black, Dark Sea Blue, Iraqui Sand. All Vallejo Model Color. #paintingwarhammer #paintingforgeworld #forgeworld #krieg #deathkorpsofkrieg #tutorial #black #acrylicosvallejo
CXLVIII. Tutorial: Corroded Plate
Gardens of Hecate: CXLVIII. Tutorial: Corroded Plate
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Iron Warriors Praetor-tribune NMM recipe. Paints use
Harlequins на венецианском карнавале
Harlequins tutorial #painting #tutorial #tutorials #hobby #miniatures #wargaming #pattern #painted
uick guide for red cloth 1. Basecoat Mephiston red 2. Shade the recesses with a thinned mix of Mephiston red and Rhinox hide 3. Add more
I'm not going to lie: I love seeing people who look like me in the games that I play. Hell, I have a collection of super hipster miniature wargames that I've purchased and love because they include women and people of colour (and women of colour) within the game. It's one thing to have an inclusive universe in small, indie-published games. Diversity isn't the point of these games, but choosing to have it is something I support with my dollars as a consumer. That said, it's...