pod hladinou

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Sea Shells, Sea Star on Beach Stock Image - Image of collection, seaside: 20517001
Sea Shells, Sea Star on beach. Nautilus shell, cone Sea shells and sea star and , #spon, #beach, #Nautilus, #Star, #Sea, #Shells #ad
Qual è la cosa più velenosa al mondo?
Il veleno del polpo dagli anelli blu contiene tetrodotossina, una neurotossina estremamente potente. https://www.microbiologiaitalia.it/biologia/qual-e-la-cosa-piu-velenosa-al-mondo/
Hypnotic Image of a Sepiolid
⚡️📸 Hypnotic Image of a Sepiolid! 🐙❤️ The sepiolid is a small and captivating marine creature known for its symbiotic relationship with bioluminescent bacteria. These tiny squid, found in shallow coastal waters, use the light produced by bacteria to camouflage themselves from predators. By equalizing the light coming from the moon and stars above, they create a unique form of counter-illumination. Sepiolids are also known for their short, rounded bodies and large eyes, making them both intriguing and adorable ocean inhabitants. 📷: Unknown
Underwater Photographer Everett M. Turner's Gallery: Cayman Feb 2009: Leopard Flatworm - DivePhotoGuide.com
Underwater Photographer Everett M. Turner's Gallery: Cayman Feb 2009: Leopard Flatworm - DivePhotoGuide.com