
539 Pins
Super Creamy Coleslaw Salad
Ingredients: ➡️For the Coleslaw: * 1/2 pointed cabbage * 1/2 salt * 1 carrot * 6 radishes ➡️For the Dressing: * 150 g Greek yogurt * 2 tbsp mayonnaise * 1 tbsp mustard * Juice of 1/2 lemon * 2 cloves of garlic minced * 1 tbsp agave syrup * 1/2 tsp pepper * 1 tsp chili flakes * 2 tbsp fresh dill chopped
This may contain: someone is pouring sauce on tomatoes in a pan
#HolidayChallenges #ChristmasDecor #HolidayVibes #craft #DIY #handmade #homedecor
Fit koláč z vločiek, tvarohu a ovocia - Generali Balans
Fit koláč z vločiek, tvarohu a ovocia - Generali Balans
Quando preparo abobrinha assim, não sobra nada. Ingredientes: 1 abobrinha 1 colher de chá de sal 1 colher de chá de pimenta-do-reino 3 salsichas Cheiro-verde a gosto 2 dentes de alho 1 colher de chá de sal Meia colher de chá de pimenta-do-reino 100g de queijo parmesão ralado 2 ovos 1 colher de sopa de creme de leite
Salade crémeuse de maïs et concombre Une salade légère et rafraîchissante, combinant la douceur du maïs et la fraîcheur du concombre, le tout enrobé d'une sauce crémeuse. #recipe #recette #repas #cuisine #weightwatchersrecipes #regime #food #foodstagram #foodlover #foodgasm #ingredients #yummy #lovelife #delicious #deliciousfood #foodporn #dinner #dinnertime #cooking #cookierecipe
This may contain: a person holding food in their hand near bread and butter on a table with water
Potato pizza in muffin pan
Potato Puzza
Potato pizza in muffin pan