Harry Potter <3

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Love them! This is why we NEED another book. How does the death of Fred affect George?! Does he lose his sense of humor, or does he maintain it just to survive? Does he continue experimenting & find both fun & important discoveries?
.Biggest crushes throughout the HP Series. Not just one of them, both of them.
e-cards/ pallet/ furniture
I'll always be a fan of Dramione. Seriously, the whole "inter-house unity" bit throughout the books and umm... you don't get a major character pairing between Slytherin and Gryffindor?
Stephanie Meyer and J.K. Rowling debate.
Harry Potter vs Twilight
Crumple-Horned Snorkack - Latest News
The women of Harry Potter and their success after Hogwarts
Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom First, they were all ~(/./)~~(/./)~ Then, they were all O.o O.O