Fashion/Sewing - Móda/Šití

Fashion tips and sew tutorials/Módní tipy a návody na šití
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Opinando Moda: 3 maneiras de transformar calça jeans em Short
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There are a lot of patterns here for inspiration
DIY Fashion: 10 Sweet Refashioned Dresses » Dollar Store Crafts
10 sweet refashioned dresses {would like to do a peplum refashion}
Free Pattern from the V&A!
Free vintage dress pattern from the V&A;, you have to print it out on A4 and stick it all together.
Tutorial - How to make piping
Kurz: Jak si vyrobit a použít potrubí - Swoon Šicí vzory
Use beeswax to waterproof your shoes.
Ever want to make a sundress out of a t-shirt? | 31 Creative Life Hacks Every Girl Should Know