
35 Pins
By Goddamned genius,right here.I call this one "Green-Eyed VeryClose",because of her piercing eye shown,as well as the varicosity(?) of the story and trails the slashing lines tell...Beautiful and telling,as all great art is..DIG IT!! - Shop for over 300,000 Premium Domains
Ink drawings by Kris Trappeniers Tags: art, pencil, ink, stencil, paper
Oh, I don't know by Geocide on DeviantArt
How To Draw An EYE - 40 Amazing Tutorials And Examples
How To Draw An EYE - 40 Amazing Tutorials And Examples - Bored Art
How To Draw The Human Head - Draw As a Maniac
number of head drawing tutorials. Useful for when learning to draw positions
Faces - Vince Low
Faces by Vince Low - what a cool way to draw with pen. ive done a similar idea, but never for a face. i must try this
Highschool Misc. - Julianna Johnston
Highschool Misc. on RISD Portfolios