
11 Pins
5 Hühner beige/natur,Dekohühner,Stoffhühner -
5 Chicken-Beige/nature Makes every Frühlingsdeko a great eye-catcher. For the windowsill, on the shelf or even as a flowers decorations sure a great idea. You will get 5 chickens for the given price. The chickens are approx. 7 x 7 cm large (without beak and comb measured. I
Velikonoční věneček na dveře
Velikonoční+věneček+na+dveře+Velikonoční+věneček+na+dveře+z+buxusu,+průměr+cca 30+cm.+Buxus+po+zaschnutí+neopadává.+Zůstáva+zelený.
This item is unavailable - Etsy
~Faux Boxwood and Burlap Bunny Wreath with Geranium Tail ~ A complete Etsy original. Thank you so much for visiting my shop! Im so thrilled you